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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago



This sounds like a very interesting proposal. You have a very formal, respectful tone with which you have written this memo. Would you be proposing that all businesses in all fields could benefit from this manual, or would it be particularly helpful to businesses in particular fields? Would it be a guide in social psychology, if so are you going to cite certain experts in the field that have done research on this topic in the past?


I wonder if there have been other manuals to this effect published in the past. If so, why should the businesses that you are proposing this to choose your manual over another that has been created already?


Will it be a step by step guide? Or will you write it more in a conversational tone? Will it work for all employees, or are the lying detection signs different for males and females?


Very interesting idea, the topic definitely intrigues me. I can't wait to see the project unfold!



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