
club constitution

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club Constitution


Article I Name

Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club at USF St. Petersburg.


Article II Purpose

This organization is devoted to helping students acquire a better understanding of resources available to them in hopes to make their academic goals much more attainable. We will do so by referring them to charitable organizations that can help improve their physical, mental, and financial well-being. We will also encourage social interaction among our members and their children. We will encourage parents to attend functions without their children so they can get some me time. We will do this by allowing each member of the group to take turns babysitting. We will get the kids to interact with each other by forming play groups and get them involve in extra curriculum activities like sports, school clubs, playing instruments, play camps, etc. Each meeting will be about the exchange of information between the officers and its members that will overall benefit its members such as safety tips, money saving tips, cleaning tips, and more. And each meeting will be about stating members’ problems and creating solutions. We will vote on group activities. We will determine overall as a group what they would like to do or have that will make them feel good about themselves for example: they may want to get a new hairdo, a new outfit, movie passes, etc. We will try to fulfill these wishes by soliciting donations and patronizing discount chains. We welcome all students that are interested in joining Single parents supporting single parents.


Article III Membership

A. Membership shall be limited to University of South Florida students; however, faculty, staff, and any other individuals who are interested in coming to the meetings and events may be associate members. Associate members do not vote, hold office and are not entitle to the use of USF/Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club raised funds. Only individuals who are interested in attending meetings who are single parents but not a USF student have all the privileges of USF students except can’t hold office. We will call them general members.

B. Single parents supporting single parents Club will consist of general members, associate members, an advisor, and four elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

C. Members whom the executive board feel do not exemplify the agreed upon standards of the club may be removed from the club by a 3/5 vote of voting membership.




Article IV Officers

A. The Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club shall have President, Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary. These officers comprise the Executive Board.

B. All officers must be members of the Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club and currently enrolled, part-time students at USFSP. The President and Vice President must be of freshman to senior status.

C. The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30.

D. The President and Vice President are the only ones to appoint officers and decide who will take their place when they step down. This should be held annually. At least two weeks notice shall be given before the election meeting.

E. An officer must show potential that he/she is committed to the club. He/She must attend ALL meetings except under extreme emergency, attend most field trips and attend majority (90%) of community projects. He/She must follow any other regulations put forth by the University and must fulfill his/her responsibilities as set forth in the Constitution.

F. Any vacancy which may occur in an office shall be filled by appointment by the President pending ratification at the next group business meeting.

G. Other positions that the Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club needs in the future will be created by the elected officers and will be appointed by the officers. The elected officers may hold other positions; provided that no one person solely holds more than two offices at any time. These created positions may be dismantled by the elected officers if the positions are no longer needed


Article V Duties of Officers

A. President

i. The President will chair all official Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club meetings.


ii. The President shall be the chief executive officer and liaison to the USFSP community

iii. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons.

iv. The President, with approval of the executive board, directs the budget.

v. Vacancies in offices will be filled by appointment of The President with approval of the general membership.

vi. The President will solicit donations.

vii. The President will constantly seek out charitable organizations and information that may benefits our members through research and networking.

viii. The President will create the group’s webpage and maintain it. Or get someone else to create the webpage and maintain it.


B. Vice President

i. The Vice President shall be the parliamentarian for the organization.

ii. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the president should the office vacant, or in the absence of the president.

iii. The Vice President will keep and have available current copies of the constitution and bylaws.

iv. The Vice President will be responsible for scheduling programs

v. The Vice President will perform other duties as directed by the president

vi. The Vice President will handle complaints.

C. Treasurer

i. The treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions.

ii. The treasurer shall develop semester and annual reports containing a list of all financial transactions and distribute them among the officers.

iii. The treasurer will be responsible for checking the accuracy of financial records and forms received from the University and the Office of Student Life.

iv. The treasurer will perform other duties as directed by the president.

D. Secretary (Secretary)

i. The Secretary is in charge of maintaining all official records of the organization. He or she must also take pictures of the events.

ii. The Secretary must attend ever meeting and be ready to take notes and record minutes

iii. The Secretary is in charge notifying all members of the group about upcoming group events and group activities by email.

E. Activities Coordinator-

i. Establish and oversee an activities committee each semester which will publicize, plan, and execute Single Parents Supporting Parents Club events and activities. This position is appointed by the elected officers.

ii. The Activities Coordinator will collaborate with the Secretary to plan, execute, and advertise e-newsletter.


Article VI Advisor

A. The advisor shall provide constructive feedback to the organization, members and officers regarding its operations and their effectiveness.

B. The advisor shall serve as a resource to the organization.

C. The advisor should provide advice upon request, and also should share knowledge and expertise.

D. The advisor shall be a full time faculty or staff member of the USFSP.

E. The advisor will be a nonvoting member of the organization.

F. The advisor will be selected by the executive board.

Article VII Meetings and Quorums

A. The times for regularly scheduled meetings shall be determined each semester by the Executive Board.

B. At least 5 days notice shall be given for each regular business meeting

C. Special or emergency meetings may be called by the executive board. A minimum of six hours notice must be given to all members utilizing an appropriate means of notification (e-mail and/or phone tree list.)

D. The meetings shall include a quorum, order of business, and disposition of the minutes.

E. Meetings will take place whenever the executive feels necessary.

F. Attendance of a minimum of 3/5 of the executive board is necessary to conduct business.


Article VIII Parliamentary Procedure

A. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be followed by the organization in all cases involving parliamentary procedure when it does not conflict with the constitution.

B. The rules may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the present membership


Article IV Finances

A. The Treasurer is in charge of finances.

B. Funds will be administered by the executive board.


Article X Committees

A. Committee members will be appointed by the executive board.

B. Committees may be formed at the discretion of the President or Executive Board. The Committee Chair will be appointed by the President.


Article XI Amendments

A. Amendments to this constitution must be approved by a 3/5th vote of all eligible voting members of the organization.

B. Amendments and revisions to the constitution must be reviewed by the Office of Student Life once adopted by the organization.


Article XII Ratification

A. The constitution will go into effect at the first official meeting of the Single Parents Supporting Single Parents Club.







Ratified on (Date):





Revised (date)



D. Secretary (Secretary)

i. The Secretary is in charge of maintaining all official records of the organization. He or she must also take pictures of the events.

ii. The Secretary must attend every meeting and be ready to take notes and record minutes

iii. The Secretary is in charge notifying all members of the group about upcoming group events and group activities by email.


Aghh! I'm the secretary?!

Tomeka, you may need to find another secretary. I'm terrible at orgainizing and securing records--not to mention the fact that I probably won't be able to attend meetings...I wasn't aware of the commitment/involvement factor--I just wanted to help you get your club going, but this could potentially pose a problem for you and your organization. Hopefully you can find a new secretary at some point. I'll be like a ghost secretary until then.


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