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Feedback from Caitlin

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago



I think this is an amazing idea!! I have wondered myself why there are consistently more visiting fans than home fans at the Devil Ray's games. Especially as a person who can walk to Tropicana field on any given evening, it's so convenient and cheap for me to go to a game, but I never seem to unless I'm familiar with the visiting team.


I completely agree with your idea that people are more enthusiastic about something that they feel they have helped create and have become a part of. Maybe in your proposal you could go further into how the general public would/could become more involved in supporting and creating the team's success and popularity (just a few more details...). The "Start A Tradition" slogan sounds great to me as well. It sort of strikes me as the same idea as Boston has with the Red Sox Slogans and identifiers. As I lived up in Boston for three years, and also spent many of my childhood years living right outside of New York City, I am quite familiar with and used to the dedicated role of a sports team fan. Many cities devoted to their teams have established years of history with their teams and its success. Since the Devil Rays are a younger team and have not had these years of success, I think your major challenge will be establishing that sense of dedication and enthusiasm in the fans to create such a history and following. (Maybe if we could get a couple of good players, that would help) But, we need money...so maybe even if we could generate more of a fan base, the team would generate more income, and we could get better players.


What are the three major types of media you will focus on? Will you create an ad in each medium? It's interesting how you comment on the fact that the nation's current population needs to be told what to care about and why they should care about it before they get excited about any issue. It's so true...and depressing as well.


Anyway, great idea...sounds like something I'd even love to be involved in as I am a crazy sports fan and sort of interested in advertising as well. You've got my attention, included a personal story/rationale that creates empathy and encourages support from your readers, and laid out a clear idea of what you want to produce. Good job!!

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