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GIMP Problem Discussion

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Kellee: I wanted to download GIMP to my laptop but I don't have enough disk space. Do the campus computer labs have it installed? The library doesn't have it on its computers. My image will be posted as soon as I gain access to GIMP.


ShareRiff: The computers in the labs have GIMP, yes. The GIMP assignment is supposed to draw or collective attention to the finer details of image production, but any technical writing problem that arises from the invention/process of image production--such as user access difficulties--could also render questions/answers about technical writing, and plenty tow write about. If it proves to be a distraction from your research, perhaps you could write a little bit about GIMP vs. Photoshop, or do an analysis of the uses of figures/diagrams/icons for projects in your field (or for your own project, which is gaining traction).

consult "Graphical Excellence"


Kellee: Okay. I need to familiarize myself with both Photoshop and GIMP. I've used Photoshop's simple applications but I've never explored all of its capabilities. I'll create a new page for my blog and final image.

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