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What is this thing called Globalization? When I was a child I heard the term globalization used a lot, and for me it was associated with all things good to come. It was suppose to bring good jobs to America, better living conditions to the masses, and a greater access of information for anyone that wanted it. American was supposed to exercise its dominance over the rest of the world through globalization. For me globalization would make the world American, and it would be a way to exercise world dominance through nonmilitary actions.
Now that we are in the throws of this much anticipated phenomenon we see that it wasn’t such a good thing after all. It has had the opposite of affected of what we hoped for and threatens to drive the world into total chaos. Globalization has brought about attempts at cultural destruction in South America and Africa, it has brought the world an oppressed work force, and power has been given to the few.
Have we actually taken time to see what’s going on in the world, and how can we be satisfied with our decision makers? Why are we not rioting in the streets over gas prices and oil company profits? Why do we not question the operating policies of the health care companies and the fleecing of American by the pharmaceutical companies? Why didn’t we see that with globalization would come global corporations and how destructive that would be to the world?
The Iraq War has shown us that the world is resistant to political integration through military might, but this resistant is being trump through the rise global corporations because they are not limited by religion, language, cultural differences or anything else that might separate states or nations. The language of commerce seems to universal.
Global corporations are a new phenomenon, and they were almost non existent before the 20th century. Business behemoths such as GE, Exxon, Wal-Mart, and Toyota are really clusters of several smaller corporations joined together by ties of strategy and global ownership, but tightly controlled by a central office. For example, GE owns Xerox, NBC, and several others smaller name brands the one would believes to be separate entities but they are not and are only part this one mega corporation whose reach covers the entire globe.
The power of corporations like GE is so great that they can thwart the wishes of governments and international organizations such as the Red Cross, United Nations, and International Courts of Law. This corporations have shown that it can easily overrule foreign policy makers with the power of their wallets and with the power of the information they posses.
Wal-Mart is bigger than some countries but so is Exxon is bigger than Wal-Mart. GE is huge but not larger than Toyota, BP or Daimler Chrysler, and with there massive size they can easily manipulate small governments thus manipulating the people in those countries via the prices of their products and exploitation of their work force.
Mega corporations have changed the shape of the world in a drastic way. All people, form all walks of life are being affected. America use to be a country governed by its citizens, but has become a country governed by the powerful. Giant companies hire giant lobbing firms to represent them in congress and in most cases they all have the ear of the executive branch. For Americans, this means higher priced necessities are the norm. It would take the average American worker his or her lifetime to make the amount of money his or her CEO makes in one year.
The power of corporations has become all the greater through media expansion. Over the past two decades, a global commercial system has developed, dominated by mega corporations based in the United States and Europe. Think of how many media outlets NBC has, and remember that each is owned by GE. Now consider the media outlets under the ABC umbrella, and remember that each is owned by Disney. It is apparent that the average citizen’s news is jaded by these large corporations. He or she can never get the real view on what’s taken place in the world because the information is controlled by those that don’t want them to know.
It is not only the media outlets that are affected. The citizens of the world are powerless against this corporation in courts of law because legislation has been enacted to protect them from litigious action. The protection from such actions also comes in the form the sheer volume of information they poses. The tobacco industry is just an example on how a corporation can hide behind its walls of information for years simply because the wall is so big.
We are living in a time where government has allied with big business. We need a revolution! Our government and its officials are on employees of corporations and not the citizenry. The people fear their government and the government officials no longer fear the voting power of the people.
In the current election we see the shaping a bi-monarchy where the same philosophies have governed us 20 years. Everyone believes Clinton was great but he introduced NAFTA, which created the crisis we’re facing. It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue, but a money issue. The two-party system, which is propped up by mega corporation dollars has doomed America thus dooming Americans. GW Bush sold America to global corporations while he held the countries attention by protecting us from things like terrorist and gay marriage. Terrorist that or government created by invading sovereign countries and propping up dictators like Saddam Hussein.
We need a revolution to protect us form Mega Corporation, heavily armed states, and wealthy elites that have allied to form this thing called Globalization. This coalition of the willing has perpetuated hunger, diseases, and pollution that threaten the existence of humanity as whole. Will we stand up and fight? Can we stand up and fight?
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