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My Resume Please help me

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Greetings class!

I have a problem and I need your help defining an objective for employment--particularly as a writer for any company in some capacity. So, I've attached my resume and would greatly appreciate any feedback.

resume help me take a look


Okay, so maybe I'm overly obsessed with the objective.

I'm looking for that perfect sentence and a half to take me to glory.

Maybe I am making a big deal out of nothing.

I will more than likely employ this little ditty.



To obtain a full-time position that will utilize my writing and editing skills while promoting challenge, creativity and opportunity for personal and professional growth.


oKay--well I helped myself and am overall pleased with the outcome. Have a look and let me know what you think.


New and Improved Resume

"To obtain a full time position that utilizes writing, editing and research skills in a challenging, progressive environment where professional growth is encouraged and recognized" sounds good.


My wife also struggled with this section of her resume, because she felt strange "stating the obvious," but as you well know, what matters most is how we say the things we say.


The "Skills and Abilities" section is important--and so I'm wondering if the "computer skills" entry could be revised. Is there another way to frame this standard, torque it towards a n entry that would speak to technological capacity in a broader sense?

Could help fast-forward interviewers past standard tech yada-yada, and therefore could create more interview time/space


That's a good question; one I have been feverishly pondering. I agree this standard blibber blabber does not speak to the greater capacity of computing ability and the distinguishing reality that I could probably maneuver my way around any piece of software with little or no apprehension in an appropriate time frame. So,yes, I could formulate a broader yet more defined statement that fulfills this motivation. But first, a word from our sponsors...................................................................................jess

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