

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Now that the semester has wrapped up, I look back at what I've learned. I remember the first time I looked at our wiki while I was in New Hampshire interning for Ron Paul, and wondering what the hell is this? I was lost! I saw something about taxes and finance and I thought that this class would revolve around that; it was a terrible scare.


The following week, after I returned to St. Petersburg, I came to class hoping that I would understand what the hell was going on; then I entered Trey's world. I learned about linux and open source software and wikis and WikiGnoming and everything else about computer software. I was flooded with information and all kinds of stuff. This class was awesome!


Everyone was free to do projects of their choice and we were really learning. It was a new way of learning for me. Normally professors provide strict structures and limits and fine lines that define what you can and cannot do; Trey was different. We explored all ends of the system and worked on projects that were important to us.


My first project was creating a help guide to those new to wikis because I thought that future students can use an FAQ to help them personalize and navigate through the wiki. So what I did was created a guide to pbwiki.


Later on in the semester I found out about something called free cycle. It was an amazing movement of giving away old things and taking things that other people are giving away. So what I did was dedicate some time to creating fliers advertising and promoting FreeCycle on campus. This project will be endless because I will continue to contact other universities so that they may get their students in the freecycle flow.


Then I had a job interview at a law firm downtown and I needed a resume. So I created ResumeOne with Trey's help and the help of the Academic Success Center.


So you see, this class is about utilizing the resources available to you through the academic world to influence your personal life and help you create new tools necessary for success in the future. Trey, your style of teaching does wonders and creates a whole new level of civic engagement amongst classmates and amongst the community. I will miss this class, and I look forward to working with you in the summer with your 1101, 1102 newbs.


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